8 Simple Steps to Secure WordPress Site from Hackers

Secure WordPress Site from Hackers

In this article, we’ll see steps to Secure WordPress Site from Hackers

In a world where cyber threats are constantly evolving, safeguarding your WordPress site requires a creative and innovative approach.

To outwit hackers and fortify your digital defenses, it’s time to embrace unconventional tactics that go beyond standard security measures.

We’ll dive into the realm of unique strategies to secure WordPress site from hacker and malicious attacks. Prepare to unleash your inner digital artist as we explore unconventional methods that will help you create a robust and impenetrable shield around your website.

Tips to Secure WordPress Site from Hackers

Here are tips for how to Secure WordPress Site from Hackers. The following topics help to protect your WordPress site:

1. Avoid using Defaults

There are multiple ways that one can use to sign up for their WordPress site. So be careful about your default usernames while selecting your hosting plan or domain name.

Most of website owners, especially beginners use their default username and password for both their hosting account and WordPress dashboard.

If you use the default username and weak password, then hackers can easily hack your website. They can gain access to your site via using the default username that you use to log in to your WordPress site.

It will be good if you change your username and use something new and unique one. In short, strictly replace your default username “admin” with the more powerful one.

This helps you to secure wordpress site.

2. Create Lengthy and Unique Password

You should also change the password of your WP admin account. You can create a lengthy and robust password that will protect your site from hackers.

Use a lengthy and strong password that includes a combination of uppercase and lowercase of letters, numbers, and special characters. Your password should have 8 to 6 characters to make it difficult for a hacker to guess your new username and password.

In fact, you should change your password in every 2 months. It makes a hacker’s job more difficult as he has to begin everything from the starting point if he wants to hack your site.

This helps you to secure wordpress site.

3. Remove Unused Plugins

Many site owners keep WordPress plugins on their system but never use them, and a hacker targets this. A determined hacker gets into your site through a gap that they find in your unused plugins.

It happens because most of the users don’t update these plugins and this allows a hacker to gain access to your site with ease. And there is even a good chance that you won’t notice the breach as you rarely use the plugin.

Therefore, it is better to delete unused plugins or those plugins that you won’t use in the coming years.

This helps you to secure wordpress site.

4. Limit the Login Attempts

Hackers are taking the help of advanced technologies these days. They try to gain access to your site by making the use of software that continuously attacks the login page with an unlimited number of username and password combinations until they get what they want.

To overcome this situation, you should use a popular WordPress plugin Limit Login Attempts to block the IP address of those who are continuously entering the wrong combination of username and password.

You can restrict them from using your admin page. In fact, you can manage all these things from your wp-admin panel.

This helps you to secure wordpress site.

5. Upgrade your WordPress Core, Plugins, and Themes

A WordPress site owner should upgrade their site to its most recent version on the regular basis.

The new version not only incorporates additional features to your site but also prevents it from hackers and other security threats.
Most of the users forget to upgrade their WordPress core and then face security issues.

In fact, you should upgrade all your installed themes and plugins to the latest version if you want to host a safe and secure website.

6. Use WordPress Security Plugins

WordPress offers various security plugins that you can add to your site, without any coding. The security plugins allow you to protect your site from hackers and other malicious activities.

However, choosing the most reliable plugin becomes difficult because all of them vary in terms of quality, functionality, and support. In fact, many plugins were made by regular users while some by experienced developers. So be careful while buying the security plugin for your website.

Well, you can research your plugin before making any final decision. You can check their testimonials, or look for bad comments instead of searching the positive ones.

This helps you to secure wordpress site.

7. Keep a Backup of Your Site

As a site owner, you should keep a backup of your existing WordPress site, database, and other files on a regular basis. This saves your site from unexpected breakdowns or hacks.

A backup can help you restore your site to its current version if something destructive happens to your site.

After restoring your site, you can change admin account usernames, and passwords and reload your site data within a few clicks.

8. Disable File Editing

Disable the ability to edit files from within WordPress. This will prevent unauthorized access to your site’s core files.

Additional Tips

  • Use a reputable hosting provider. A reputable hosting provider will have security measures in place to protect their servers from hackers.
  • Avoid using pirated software. Pirated software often contains malware that can be used to hack your WordPress site.
  • Be careful what plugins you install. Only install plugins from reputable sources. There are a number of malicious plugins available that can be used to hack your site.
  • Keep an eye on your site’s traffic. If you see any unusual traffic patterns, such as a sudden increase in visitors from a particular country or region, then you should investigate further.
  • Use a security scanner. There are a number of security scanners available that can scan your site for vulnerabilities. You should run a security scan on your site on a regular basis.

secure WordPress site requires a mix of traditional and unconventional tactics.

By thinking outside the box and implementing unique strategies like security through obscurity, decoy content, VPNs for admin access, honeypot traps, advanced authentication methods, AI-driven threat detection, behavioral analysis, server-side security, and collaborative defense, you can build an impregnable fortress around your website.

Embrace your inner digital artist, experiment with these unconventional methods, and stay one step ahead of hackers in the ever-evolving landscape of digital security.

Hope this article helps to secure wordpress site from hackers. Thanks 🙂

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