In this article, we’ll see Vue js Introduction.
Table of Contents
Vue.js shares similar concepts to other popular JavaScript frameworks like Rivet.js, Ractive.js, Angular.js, and Knockout.js.
These types of frameworks offer a structural outline for interactive web applications. Raw HTML acts as the templating language, while these frameworks extend the syntax to provide data binding and User Interface data modeling. Vue.js strives to make working with these types of frameworks as simple and functional as possible.
Let’s go through a Vue js tutorial to learn about how it works, and what it can offer us.
What is Vue js?
Vue.js is a JavaScript library that helps you build web applications using the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architectural pattern.
Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue JS is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adaptable. The core library is focused on the view layer only and is easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. On the other hand, Vue JS is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries.
Features of Vue js
- Reactive Interfaces
- Declarative Rendering
- Data Binding
- Directives
- Template Logic
- Components
- Event Handling
- Computed Properties
- CSS Transitions and Animations
- Filters
How to use Vue js
There are different ways to include Vue.js in your web project:
- Use CDN by including <script> tag in the HTML file
- Install using Node Package Manager (NPM)
- Install using Bower
- Use Vue-CLI to set up your project
Advantages And Disadvantages
Small Size
One of the most significant features is its small size. Vue.js weighs only 18kb after gzipping. However, it should be noted that the Vue.js ecosystem is also small and fast. With Vue.js users can separate the template-to-virtual-DOM compiler and even the run time. Despite it’s small size Vue.js consistently outperforms bulky frameworks such as AngularJS and Ember JS.
Ease of understanding and development
The advantage of Vue.js is that it enables the development of large-scale templates. Which not only makes it easier for programmers but also saves a lot of time. Due to its uncomplicated structure, very little time is spent on searching for blocks containing errors.
Simple Integration
Unlike other Javascript frameworks, Vue.js is useful both for building entire single-page applications and for contributing components into existing apps. It has the ability to contain a component’s structure, logic, and style all in one file which in turn makes it very simple to create flexible components which can be reused in other projects. One of the other interesting features is that it is excellent for adding lots of small reactive components to an existing template.
Comprehensive documentation
Vue.js has very thorough and well-written documentation. For a beginner to write their first application, they just have to know some basic Javascript and HTML and then they can complete half of the application.
If a user wants to write a quick app that will run straight from the browser, then Vue.js can really help you. It can even handle more sophisticated apps with JSX, ES6, routing, and bundling. This flexibility makes it easy to switch to Vue because developers who have experience with React, Angular, and JS framework would find Vue’s design very familiar.
Facilitates two-way communication
Vue js is very responsive and is similar to the Angular JS framework as it facilitates and speeds up the HTML blocks handling. Vue.js’s framework architecture makes it easy to implement one-way flows as well which is important when working with different components.
A closed community development
Unlike other frameworks, Vue doesn’t yet have the widespread support of its fellow frameworks as it is not as popular as React or Angular 2 & 4. There are far more resources for React.js than Vue.js.
Language Barrier
The creator is actually Chinese-American and is very supportive of the Chinese development community. A Majority of the users are non-English speaking communities which is perhaps one of the biggest issues with this framework. Predominantly most of the coding is written in Chinese, this complicates the work of English-speaking developers with Vue.js.
Being too flexible can be problematic
Sometimes flexibility can cause some issues for the developers. But Vue.js’s plethora of options might become a burden when deployed in larger projects that involve many developers.
Hope this article helps you!